Fifty Shades of GOP :: Candidate Blasted for Writing Erotic Novels

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 4 MIN.

A Republican Colorado state Senate candidate has drawn ire from some constituents after it was revealed that she is the author of a number of erotic fiction novels, the Denver Post reports.

Jaxine Bubis is vying to be the GOP candidate in a fall recall election of Democratic Senate President John Morse. She is one of two Republicans to announce their candidacies to replace Morse, (who faces the recall because of his support for gun control), the other is City Councilman Bernie Herpin, but Bubis' X-rated writing past has got her in some hot water.

Bubis wrote her erotic novels under the pseudonym "Jaxine Daniels," and according to her Amazon author profile she "grew up in Colorado Springs and spent many years in the high mountains working as an EMT both on the ambulance service and in Search and Rescue."

In one of her pieces she calls herself a "granny who writes erotic romance," the Post reports.

Bubis acknowledged her unusual profession and said she is the author of "Beantown Heat," an erotic novel published by eXtasy Books in 2004.

"Ten years ago, as a stay-at-home mother who was helping to contribute to support our family, I took creative writing classes," she said in the statement to the Post. "One project that resulted from those creative writing classes was a fiction romance novel. The novel had very limited publication (less than 50 copies) and I took it off the market as soon I contractually could, which was around eight years ago."

The Denver Westword has some thrilling excerpts from "Beantown Heat" and though it's no "Fifty Shades of Grey," it is some pretty fabulous prose - if you're into erotic porn for older women.

"He dragged the rose down her chin, her neck, and tortured her, dragging it down between her breasts, her belly and across the top of her panties. She moved, arched, ached for more," the excerpt reads. Wow, not bad for an older lady.

As of this writing Bubis' campaign website is down but as Westword reports, she is campaigning for Senate because she is "concerned with those in power aligning with East Coast politicians in a radical attempt to strip away our Constitutional rights. Whether it's the blatant attack on our right to keep and bear arms or the utter disregard of our First Amendment, things are swiftly moving in the wrong direction."

It looks like a number of powerful local GOP lawmakers are standing by her side, including Senator Kevin Lundberg and Rep. Janak Joshi. Additionally, she has the endorsements of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners and Sen. Ted Harvey, Sen. Owen Hill and Rep. Chris Holbert. The Post apparently read an excerpt of Bubis' work to Hoblert, who said he still has "no reason" to pull his support.

"I would leave it to her to be responsible for what she writes," Holbert said.

The Post reports Paul Paradis, a well-known gun shop owner in Colorado Springs, was tipped off by someone else about Bubis' work. After doing his own research, Paradis, who headed an effort to gather enough signatures to recall Morse, sent out an email blast exposing the aspiring politician/writer.

"I was absolutely aghast," Paradis told the Post. "This is a person supported by the Christian right and conservative lawmakers. They just wanted to jump for the most conservative person in the room and that's stupid." He added that Bubis made a strong effort to recall Morse, but is worried that if she were the nominee, she would become the "butt of jokes nationally and fodder for late-night comedies."

It may be a little late for that, however. On July 13, Bill Maher read his version Bubis' novels on his HBO talk show "Real Time." Check out the NSFW clip, called "Tea Party Porn" below:

Here are a few other selected passages for your enjoyment:

"Now two fingers were deep inside her," an excerpt reads, according to Westword. "She could feel herself clamp down on him, aching for his cock inside her. But then he leaned down and began sucking and licking her, as his fingers moved slowing in and out. In and out."

Yikes. Here's another one:

"'You're not holding still.' His voice was tantalizing. 'And do you find this more provocative than if I read you the piece you read me that night? Please fuck me.... Shall I read it to you?'
'No. But please fuck me.'
'In time, baby, in time.'"

One more!

"He moved back up, his mouth just a breath from hers.
'Now, taste your own passion.'
His kiss was warm and wet with her pleasure. His tongue teased her lips, her tongue. She kissed him back, pulling him hard against her.
'Please...' The fire built and banked, built and banked. He was inside her head, inside her body. How else would he know when she edged near explosion? He wouldn't let her go. And then he was gone."

If you've liked what you read and want to buy some of her books you can do so on her Amazon page. The page offers works like," "A Good Place to Land," "A Soft Place to Fall," "A Hard Place to Find" and of course, "Black Ice."

Check out some videos of Bubis from 2010 where she discusses her books, and herself, below:

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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