NJ Lawmaker Who Opposed Gay Marriage Bill, Vows to Override Christie's Veto

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 1 MIN.

A Republican Assembly lawmaker from New Jersey, who opposed a measure that would legalize same-sex marriage in the state last year, now says he will override Gov. Chris Christie's veto, if the bill moves through the Assembly, Politicker NJ reports.

During a legislative debate on Wednesday, Assemblyman Chris A. Brown said he would vote to override Christie's veto on marriage equality. Polticiker writes this "the first time during the lead up to an override vote that a lawmaker who voted against the same-sex marriage bill last year publically announced they would change their vote."

"This is a decision I came to on my own," Brown said. "I just believe when it comes to civil rights, I don't believe it's appropriate for the public to vote on it."

Brown isn't alone, however. Republican Assembly lawmakers Declan O'Scanlon and Holly Schepisis both stated that would also favor a veto override. Both politicians were absent during New Jersey's gay marriage vote last year.

Last week, Judge Mary Jacobson ruled that New Jersey blocking same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, citing the Supreme Court's landmark ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act last June. Gay marriage is scheduled to come to New Jersey on Oct. 21, but Christie's administration on Monday asked the state's top court to take an appeal of Jacobson's ruling, with Acting Attorney General John Hoffman saying the decision will have "far-reaching implications."

Christie vetoed a gay marriage bill when it came across his desk last year, stating that New Jersey citizens should leave marriage equality up to a vote.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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