The Stars Come Out for New Hope's 2014 Pride Festival


New Hope Celebrates Parade to highlight the fight for marriage equality on May 17th.

Join local residents and tourists as they gather for the New Hope Celebrates parade on Saturday May 17th. For the first time in history, the Annual Pride Parade, the signature event of Pride Week will kick off in Lambertville, New Jersey before marching into New Hope.

The theme "Bridge to Equality" will highlight the fight for marriage equality in PA and across the country. The parade will begin at Lambertville City Hall where New Jersey's first same sex marriages were performed beginning in October 2013 and march to The Lambertville House on Bridge Street where the parade will pause briefly as Lambertville Mayor David DelVecchio performs a same sex marriage. The parade will then continue down Bridge Street and will pause again on the state line, allowing Mayor Larry Keller and other Pennsylvania politicians to join the marriage float before the parade continues into Pennsylvania, symbolically bringing marriage equality to Pennsylvania. Invitations have been sent to several politicians and political organizations to show their support through participation in the parade.

Special guests Victoria Lace and the honorable Mayor Keller will serve as MCs for the parade at the new location of the review stand on South Main Street next to local sponsors Country Fair Chocolates and Whatever's Hot and across the street from John & Peters. Watch the parade from excellent viewing points at The Lambertville House, The New Hope Lambertville Bridge, Karla's, John & Peter's, Havana and Fran's Pub! The Parade begins at 11:30am and will conclude at approximately 1pm.

Following the parade will be the much anticipated Vendor Fair and Block Party (featuring special guests Trisha Dasch, Christine Martucci, Dario, Josh Zuckerman & Kristine W.!) in the Bucks County Playhouse parking lot.

We will cap off the night with a Pride Dance Party at the Raven featuring nationally renowned DJ Tracy Young and a LIVE performance by Dario. The annual NHC Sunday T-Dance will take place at 4:00 pm at the Raven Pool and will feature DJ Warren Gluck -- World renowned Circuit DJ and a special performance by "Showbiz Spitfire" Paige Turner and more. The Raven will also host a special Friday night Retro Disco Dance party with DJ Warren Gluck.

"The Board is very excited about the parade route change for 2014 and the opportunity to continue to highlight marriage equality as a key issue that will be before PA courts later this year " says NHC President Sharon Fronabarger. "Pennsylvania remains the only state in the Northeast that has yet to pass marriage equality. Our goal is to send a clear message to PA that all loving couples should have the freedom to marry. NHC is not a political organization, but we feel it is important to educate the public on issues relevant to the LGBT community and to support issues focused on equality and diversity."
For more information on New Hope Pride which is taking place May 11th through 18th,

For more information on New Hope Pride which is taking place May 11th through 18th, please visit the New Hope Celebrates website at, download the NewHope Pride event app, or pick up the New Hope Celebrates Pride Guide at several local businesses and the Bucks County Visitors Center at the New Hope Chamber Office.

New Hope Celebrates (NHC) is a nonprofit organization focused on highlighting the history and cultural nuances of New Hope, PA while stimulating the retail, hospitality, and professional community. NHC is comprised of a Board that drives activities and events that serve the diverse LGBT populace through the creation and promotion of marketing opportunities, educational activities, and cultural events. One such event is the annual, week-long PRIDE Festival celebration held in May. Since 2003, NHC has organized events that recognize the strong LGBT presence in New Hope and celebrated the history and culture of our scenic river town. Funding generated through New Hope Celebrates events is channeled back into our community to support our neighbors in collaborative business and cultural initiatives that make New Hope a great place for residents and visitors alike.


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