Gov. Cuomo Formally Accepts Blueprint for Ending AIDS Epidemic


At a public event today, Governor Cuomo again demonstrated his commitment to Ending the AIDS Epidemic in New York State, by formally accepting a Blueprint for Ending the Epidemic in NY State by 2020. Hundreds of HIV/AIDS advocates including elected officials, community leaders, and activists gathered at the LGBT Center on 13th Street today to witness the Governor's historic announcement.

Last June the Governor announced a three-point plan to End the AIDS Epidemic in New York State, which involves identifying those undiagnosed with HIV and linking them to healthcare, maintaining a high level of care for those diagnosed with HIV, and Providing access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP).

In October, the Department of Health appointed a Task Force comprised of 63 activists, health service providers, researchers, and public health professionals from around the state who met regularly for three months to craft comprehensive recommendations for Ending the Epidemic. The Task Force held regional community forums across the state, in addition to Statewide calls focusing specifically on gay men and youth.

Additionally, they conducted an online survey for those who were unable to attend in in-person meeting or call. The resulting Blueprint released today articulates 30 recommendations for the State Plan to succeed-to decrease new HIV infections to fewer than 750 by 2020-and also includes seven recommendations for "Getting to Zero" HIV infections.

Charles King, CEO of Housing Works and co-chair of the Ending the Epidemic Task Force responsible for creating the Blueprint formally presented the document to the Governor and praised for taking this important step by sharing the Blueprint with the public.

"Governor Cuomo has shown tremendous courage by committing New York to be the first jurisdiction in the nation and around the globe to end AIDS as an epidemic," said King. "This blueprint will provide a roadmap for a creative and comprehensive solution to expand access to treatment and link people with the quality medical care and services they need. New York has always been at the heart of AIDS activism and progress, and now with this blueprint supported by the leadership of Governor Cuomo, we are one step closer to becoming the first to end AIDS altogether."

The release and embrace of this Blueprint marks an exciting advance towards Ending the Epidemic in New York State. The Blueprint emphasizes that in order to be the first to end AIDS, New York must reduce the number of annual new HIV infections from roughly 3,200 in 2013 to below 750 by the year 2020, as well as double the number of people with HIV who receive ongoing antiretroviral therapy, which keeps them healthy and unable to transmit HIV to others.

The Blueprint also includes aggressive but essential recommendations geared to reaching at-risk populations disproportionately affected by HIV: expanding housing and transportation services for low-income people with HIV; reforming laws to expand access to syringes and condoms; expanding access to HIV prevention tools like pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP); expanding laws that ensure transgender human rights statewide; and ensuring that minors are able to consent to prevention and treatment.

Housing Works applauds the Governor's bold and innovative leadership on HIV/AIDS issues. Today's announcement builds on recent victories achieved through the State budget, which included $10 million in Medicaid funds for Ending the AIDS Epidemic initiatives as well as new funding for housing ($74 million in new funds for a statewide NY/NY IV program for new supportive housing units, nearly $4.5 million for the Runaway and Homeless Youth Budget, and $27 million for 30% rent cap affordable housing protection for low-income people with HIV/AIDS.)

The full text of the Blueprint will be available on the Governor's website.


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