With New Fitness Game, Pornhub Wants You to Workout In Between...


Pornhub launched a new program this week that encourages its users, who watch free porn, to exercise, Mashable reports.

In order to keep you active in between your porn-watching session, Pornhub introduces "Bangfit," which the company calls "a game-based fitness program" that will get you "into incredible shape while having the time of your life."

The online game is basically invites users to strap their smartphones to their bodies as they have sex in order to score points and burn calories.

"While the concept sounds simply gimmicky, 'BangFit' says they designed the app using real science and professionals in the field," Mashable writes. The program's creators say sex is one physical activity people never seem too busy for -- so they wanted to turn the act into a fitness game.

Check out a retro video for Pornhub's "Bangfit" below.

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