NOM's March for Marriage Fails to Draw Flies; Only 237 Show Up


Despite sunny weather and 30 days of online promotion and panhandling, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) wasn't able to pull in the crowds for their March for Marriage on Saturday.

After aggressively begging followers for a month to cough up money to support their demonstration held on the anniversary of the United States Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage, the National Organization for Marriage put on their hate march on Saturday. Nobody seemed to care, however.

According to Tweets by Think Progress's Zack Ford, the march, which was "small enough to be a mob" stretched barely half a block. The crowd numbered exactly 237.

According to OnTop, in speaking to the "crowd," NOM's president Brian Brown compared same-sex marriage to slavery.

"Across the board, we've seen our right to speak and act, undermined and threatened," Brown said according to WUSA9.

"They lost in the court of public opinion, they lost in the Supreme Court," protester Larry Sternbane told WUSA9. "I think what they're trying to do now is to start a movement where they come back here every year on the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision to air their grievances."

Conversely, Sunday's LGBT Pride March in New York City drew in a record 1.6 million participants and onlookers.

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